This page aims to provide an overview status of where we stand in regards to our current challenges and our roadmap.
Caveats and Challenges
- NFTi and Adjusted Floor will often provide different valuations for perfectly good reasons. NFTi is aiming for a theoretical value for the token; Adjusted Floor reflects what is currently for sale. They are different lenses on the same question that can produce very different answers.
- You should NOT assume that you should buy or sell an NFT based on Adjusted Floor or NFTi. It is possible that our values are wrong and it is also possible that our values are "right" but the price changes the next day.
See our full disclaimer here. - Certain tokens in certain collections are simply misvalued right now. We are working through our model tuning on a collection-by-collection base to discover areas for improvement. If you see a token that you believe is misvalued, please let us know.
- The ultra-high-end aesthetic grails, particularly in generative art, are probably categorically undervalued right now as this feature is not represented in their metadata. We are working on new methods to adjust for this
- The overall market capitalization data does not include all sources yet:
- Does not include non-Ethereum NFTs
Q4 2022
Add support for more generative art and PFP collectionsEnable our APIs for external partnersAdd better reporting about our valuation accuracyAdd support for new classes of NFTsERC-1155 NFTsMetaverse NFTs
Add support for additional marketplaces
Q1 2023
Upgrade portfolio management toolsAdd support for new classes of NFTs1 of 1 NFTsGaming NFTs- Rare Pepes
Add better overall market reportingImproved account-level tools for users
Q2 2023
Add support for more marketplacesX2Y2BlurSuperRare
Track profit & loss on all NFT tradesUpgrade ML pipeline performance to value NFTs more frequentlyAdd support for NFTDelegation.comAdd auction and bid activity types
Q3 2023
- Add support for more marketplaces
- Foundation
- Rarible
- Add support for Artists in preparation of 1 of 1 support
- Add support for ERC20 tokens (USDC, USDT, ApeCoin, etc.)
- Advance our approach on machine learning models in various ways
Updated 12 months ago