All data is snapshotted on an hourly basis back to its inception. (for collections with valuation)
- NFTi Market Cap
- AF Market Cap
- Floor
- Listed for Sale (Count)
- Unique Owners (Count)
- Sale Volume
- Rank (by NFTi Market Cap)
- Collection Activity
- NFTs (Count)
- Traits (with rarity, floor, % for sale, and last sale)
- Custom Traits
All data is stored daily (24 hours).
- NFTi Valuation
- AF Valuation
- Last Sale
- Top Sale
- Total Sales
- Total Unique Owners
- Hold Time (by the current owner)
- Traits (with trait floor and rarity)
- Token Rarity
- Token Activity
- Current Owner
Reflecting the current state of the wallet.
- NFTi Valuation of Portfolio
- AF Valuation of Portfolio
- NFTs (Count)
- Unique Collections (Count)
- Activity
- Realized P&L
- Unrealized P&L
- Buy/Sale Volume
- Buy/Sale Count
- Cost ETH
- Balance ETH
Description | |
NFTi | Our ML valuation Stored in ETH and USD (at the time) |
Adjusted Floor (AF) | Our floor-based valuation Stored in ETH and USD (at the time) |
Activity | Refers to any activity performed on the specific collection/token/wallet. Activity types supported: Mint, Transfer, Contract Tx, Sale, Airdrop, Listing, Listing Cancellation, Burn, Approval, Disapproval, Trade, Bid, BId Withdrawn, Auction, Auction Cancelled |
Updated over 1 year ago